Financial Management
ProConcept ERP helps you to manage your finance
ProConcept ERP solves the problems created by the ever-changing needs of your organization, using a scalable, high performance, technical architecture that allows you to process large volumes of information and the simultaneous connection of a large number of workstations suitable for multinational organizations or companies.
The accounting module is fully integrated with all other application modules. All accounting entries are recorded here, along with the main company information and validation rules. There are numerous functions that allow you to make internal or external analysis. The tools are ideal for obtaining a large number of reports, creating control panels, and working on journals, balances, and financial analyses. Department codes and files can be used throughout the solution to define additional data axes. In the accounting module, these axes can be combined on the screen or printed out. This gives you an overview of the information or the comparisons between profit centers.
The treasury module allows you to accurately interpret results from clearly presented information, derived from your own criteria: customer/supplier open entries including their payment history, liquidity account status, bank credit limits, sales/purchasing logistics portfolio (company liabilities), wage bill simulation, real and planned amount comparison (budgets), treasury evolution analysis, and more.
Fixed assets
The fixed assets module gives you the general data for each asset, methods and amortizement calculations, movements and entry into accounting in finance, and therefore, an inventory of all your assets (tangible and intangible). Added to this is the freedom to work seamlessly with supplier, general ledger and cost accounting in ProConcept ERP (retrieve depreciation information from the general ledger, integrate GL documents into assets, numerous fields are automatically initialized such as accounts and numbering methods, etc.), and even simulate or project your depreciation by asset.
Cost Accounting
Choose from over 20 available axes to cover all your entries. Here are a few examples: Project, sub-project, and product lines. Conduct cost accounting by cost center, charge type (with division based on keys and "job units" by file, by transaction, or by project. You can also integrate data from any other ERP module (logistics, production, human resources), giving you the simple but powerful comparison analysis information and tools you need to run your business effectively.
Budget Accounting
Get immediate and total control of your organization's budget at a single glance. Outstanding analytical functionalities are provided by multiple levels, versions and periods. From general to specific budgets, using our budget entries to accounts, you can work without always having the budget credit in the front of your mind, in your general ledger or cost accounts. And that is just scratching the surface ... simplified entry, periodic allocations, modification remarks, and external data integration is possible from Excel.
ED-ÖFIN Interface
ProConcept has developed an interface for ED-ÖFIN, to collect electronic data for public finances, for the Federal Statistics Office and the Federal Finance Administration.