Optrel AG
Wer schweisst, lebt gefährlich: Intensive ultraviolette Strahlung, giftige Dämpfe und Hitze sind ständige Begleiter. Während sich viele noch mit einfachen Schutzschildern schützen, sind heute immer mehr automatische Schweisshelme im Einsatz, die nicht nur komfortabler und sicherer sind, sondern auch die Arbeitseffizienz spürbar steigern. Erfunden wurden sie in der Schweiz – bei Optrel im toggenburgischen Wattwil.
Überall, wo Stahl untrennbar zusammengefügt wird, ist das Schweissen allgegenwärtig: In der Automobilindustrie, im Transportwesen, im Anlagen- und Maschinenbau, in der Chemie, in der Öl- und Gasbranche, im Schiffbau oder in der gesamten Bauindustrie sind Schweissaufgaben unterschiedlichster Art und Grösse zu erledigen. Buchstäblich Kilometer von Schweissnähten beim Bau von Kreuzfahrtschiffen sind dabei genauso zu bewältigen wie einfache Bauschweissungen. Und obwohl in grossen Produktionen vorwiegend Schweiss-Roboter zum Einsatz kommen, müssen weiterhin viele Aufgaben manuell von Schweiss-Spezialisten erledigt werden. Denn Roboter gelangen oft an ihre Leistungsgrenzen, wenn beispielsweise besonders komplexe Verbindungen zu erstellen sind, spezielle Legierungen verarbeitet werden müssen oder die Platzverhältnisse einen Robotereinsatz nicht zulassen
Optimale Schutzausrüstung gefragt
Kein Wunder also, dass Schweissaufgaben weiterhin höchste Anforderungen an Mensch und Ausrüstung stellen. Denn neben gefährlichem Rauch, Staub, Dämpfen und Gasen belasten auch Hitze und ultraviolettes Licht den Arbeitsprozess. Eine Herausforderung nicht nur für Schweisser, sondern auch für deren Ausrüstung, welche ein exzellentes Schweissergebnis unterstützen und den Schweisser weitestgehend vor diesen Einflüssen schützen soll. Im Mittelpunkt steht dabei der Kopfbereich: Bei allen geforderten Schutzfunktionen muss die Ausrüstung weiterhin die ungehinderte Sicht auf das Schweissgut sicherstellen und trotzdem komfortabel bleiben. «Konventionelle, passive Schweisshelme können diese Ansprüche nur bedingt erfüllen», erläutert Marco Koch, Verwaltungsratspräsident der Optrel AG.
Wer schweisst, lebt gefährlich: Intensive ultraviolette Strahlung, giftige Dämpfe und Hitze sind ständige Begleiter. Während sich viele noch mit einfachen Schutzschildern schützen, sind heute immer mehr automatische Schweisshelme im Einsatz, die nicht nur komfortabler und sicherer sind, sondern auch die Arbeitseffizienz spürbar steigern. Erfunden wurden sie in der Schweiz – bei Optrel im toggenburgischen Wattwil.
Überall, wo Stahl untrennbar zusammengefügt wird, ist das Schweissen allgegenwärtig: In der Automobilindustrie, im Transportwesen, im Anlagen- und Maschinenbau, in der Chemie, in der Öl- und Gasbranche, im Schiffbau oder in der gesamten Bauindustrie sind Schweissaufgaben unterschiedlichster Art und Grösse zu erledigen. Buchstäblich Kilometer von Schweissnähten beim Bau von Kreuzfahrtschiffen sind dabei genauso zu bewältigen wie einfache Bauschweissungen. Und obwohl in grossen Produktionen vorwiegend Schweiss-Roboter zum Einsatz kommen, müssen weiterhin viele Aufgaben manuell von Schweiss-Spezialisten erledigt werden. Denn Roboter gelangen oft an ihre Leistungsgrenzen, wenn beispielsweise besonders komplexe Verbindungen zu erstellen sind, spezielle Legierungen verarbeitet werden müssen oder die Platzverhältnisse einen Robotereinsatz nicht zulassen
Optimale Schutzausrüstung gefragt
Kein Wunder also, dass Schweissaufgaben weiterhin höchste Anforderungen an Mensch und Ausrüstung stellen. Denn neben gefährlichem Rauch, Staub, Dämpfen und Gasen belasten auch Hitze und ultraviolettes Licht den Arbeitsprozess. Eine Herausforderung nicht nur für Schweisser, sondern auch für deren Ausrüstung, welche ein exzellentes Schweissergebnis unterstützen und den Schweisser weitestgehend vor diesen Einflüssen schützen soll. Im Mittelpunkt steht dabei der Kopfbereich: Bei allen geforderten Schutzfunktionen muss die Ausrüstung weiterhin die ungehinderte Sicht auf das Schweissgut sicherstellen und trotzdem komfortabel bleiben. «Konventionelle, passive Schweisshelme können diese Ansprüche nur bedingt erfüllen», erläutert Marco Koch, Verwaltungsratspräsident der Optrel AG.
Must-Have Automatic Equipment
In 1985, Optrel’s Albert Koch (Marco’s father) realized that only active helmets could meet all these requirements. "The company Optrel AG, which he founded with other partners, is the origin of the active headphones," said Koch. "Various components within the helmet automatically react to light and heat." Today, the welding helmet developed and produced in Switzerland by Optrel SA is a true high-tech product, from its heat-resistant coating and ventilation system to its internal headset and perfect ergonomics.
The R&D department at Optrel AG has developed all the core technologies within these welding helmets. First, they feature an ADF darkening filter that automatically darkens depending on the light intensity of the visible area using LCD technology. Other special filters provide high-color fidelity. What’s more, the helmet uses a combination of batteries and solar cells to provide sufficient power to the headset.
New Launch, Old Brand
After the 1998 sale of Optrel AG to the French group Bacou, the name change to Sperian Welding Protection AG led to the disappearance of the Optrel brand that had been "long associated with active welding helmets," recalled Koch. After the possibility of relocation to Slovakia was announced, potentially eliminating a number of jobs in Wattwil, the son of company founder decided to act. Koch bought the company in the summer of 2010, restoring it to its original name, Optrel AG. This quick decision was immediately supported by the market, as the "young company" began to show positive growth figures.
New System Required to Serve SMEs
With the partial restructuring of the global organization, as well as the company’s focus on the marketing and development of new products, it was necessary to quickly adapt IT systems to SMEs (small and midsized businesses). "After trying for six months to adapt our SAP solution to SMEs, we went looking for a flexible ERP system that was developed specifically for SMEs in the Swiss market," said Daniel Ritler, CEO of Optrel AG.
With ProConcept ERP from ProConcept, the company quickly found the right partner and product. "This product is made by a Swiss SME for Swiss SMEs. We speak the same language, display the same spirit, and can communicate quickly and directly," Ritler said of why the company selected the system.
Expectations Met
Since late 2011, 36 out of 60 employees use ProConcept ERP’s logistics and finance modules. The logistics module handles the buying and selling process, as well as storage and manufacturing, while the finance module manages all financial workflows. Employees particularly appreciate the system’s ease of use, and the interface elements that are common to all modules. Ritler added that the system integrates easily with many IT environments, including the Office applications suite, as well as the company’s CAD and PLM software. “We benefit from both the flexibility of the software, as well as from the experience of ProConcept’ consultants," he said.
Planned Expansion
Optrel AG’s work with ProConcept will continue in the future. Optrel AG wants to strengthen its technological position and become the leading international manufacturer of anti-glare products—not only in the welding industry, but also in the medical sector, for example. The company has already developed IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) glasses dedicated to dermatology and laser hair removal for one client.
"We plan to complete our implementation of ProConcept ERP solution with the CRM, export, and quality modules," explained Ritler. As customer proximity and high quality are typical advantages of being an SME, Optrel AG plans to use these assets to speed innovation. "We plan to commercialize our innovations and, thus, enjoy a lead of about five years on the competition," said Ritler.*
*Toggenburger Tagblatt, March 15, 2012
Must-Have Automatic Equipment
In 1985, Optrel’s Albert Koch (Marco’s father) realized that only active helmets could meet all these requirements. "The company Optrel AG, which he founded with other partners, is the origin of the active headphones," said Koch. "Various components within the helmet automatically react to light and heat." Today, the welding helmet developed and produced in Switzerland by Optrel SA is a true high-tech product, from its heat-resistant coating and ventilation system to its internal headset and perfect ergonomics.
The R&D department at Optrel AG has developed all the core technologies within these welding helmets. First, they feature an ADF darkening filter that automatically darkens depending on the light intensity of the visible area using LCD technology. Other special filters provide high-color fidelity. What’s more, the helmet uses a combination of batteries and solar cells to provide sufficient power to the headset.
New Launch, Old Brand
After the 1998 sale of Optrel AG to the French group Bacou, the name change to Sperian Welding Protection AG led to the disappearance of the Optrel brand that had been "long associated with active welding helmets," recalled Koch. After the possibility of relocation to Slovakia was announced, potentially eliminating a number of jobs in Wattwil, the son of company founder decided to act. Koch bought the company in the summer of 2010, restoring it to its original name, Optrel AG. This quick decision was immediately supported by the market, as the "young company" began to show positive growth figures.
New System Required to Serve SMEs
With the partial restructuring of the global organization, as well as the company’s focus on the marketing and development of new products, it was necessary to quickly adapt IT systems to SMEs (small and midsized businesses). "After trying for six months to adapt our SAP solution to SMEs, we went looking for a flexible ERP system that was developed specifically for SMEs in the Swiss market," said Daniel Ritler, CEO of Optrel AG.
With ProConcept ERP from ProConcept, the company quickly found the right partner and product. "This product is made by a Swiss SME for Swiss SMEs. We speak the same language, display the same spirit, and can communicate quickly and directly," Ritler said of why the company selected the system.
Expectations Met
Since late 2011, 36 out of 60 employees use ProConcept ERP’s logistics and finance modules. The logistics module handles the buying and selling process, as well as storage and manufacturing, while the finance module manages all financial workflows. Employees particularly appreciate the system’s ease of use, and the interface elements that are common to all modules. Ritler added that the system integrates easily with many IT environments, including the Office applications suite, as well as the company’s CAD and PLM software. “We benefit from both the flexibility of the software, as well as from the experience of ProConcept’ consultants," he said.
Planned Expansion
Optrel AG’s work with ProConcept will continue in the future. Optrel AG wants to strengthen its technological position and become the leading international manufacturer of anti-glare products—not only in the welding industry, but also in the medical sector, for example. The company has already developed IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) glasses dedicated to dermatology and laser hair removal for one client.
"We plan to complete our implementation of ProConcept ERP solution with the CRM, export, and quality modules," explained Ritler. As customer proximity and high quality are typical advantages of being an SME, Optrel AG plans to use these assets to speed innovation. "We plan to commercialize our innovations and, thus, enjoy a lead of about five years on the competition," said Ritler.*
*Toggenburger Tagblatt, March 15, 2012
Safe and Smart
Worldwide, millions of welders rely on Optrel products