Das 1946 gegründete Unternehmen RÉEL ist spezialisiert auf Konzeption, Herstellung, Installation und Wartung von Hebe- und Förderzeug. Die Gruppe verzeichnet eine starke internationale Entwicklung und nimmt in mehreren Schlüsselbereichen der Industrie eine bedeutende Stellung ein. Getreu ihrer ursprünglichen Berufung bietet die Gruppe in jedem Bereich eine vollständige Palette an, von der Konzeption bis hin zu den Dienstleistungen. Seit 12 Jahren verzeichnet RÉEL eine jährliche Wachstumsrate von 15%, ist auf 4 Kontinenten präsent und beschäftigt mehr als 1800 Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter.
Der ausgezeichnete Ruf von RÉEL gründet auf ihrer Fähigkeit, für die Bereiche Kernenergie, Aluminiumproduktion, Luftfahrt, Verteidigung und Industrie integrierte Lösungen zu konzipieren und Fördersysteme zu bauen, bei denen Sicherheit und Verfügbarkeit im Zentrum stehen.
Das 1946 gegründete Unternehmen RÉEL ist spezialisiert auf Konzeption, Herstellung, Installation und Wartung von Hebe- und Förderzeug. Die Gruppe verzeichnet eine starke internationale Entwicklung und nimmt in mehreren Schlüsselbereichen der Industrie eine bedeutende Stellung ein. Getreu ihrer ursprünglichen Berufung bietet die Gruppe in jedem Bereich eine vollständige Palette an, von der Konzeption bis hin zu den Dienstleistungen. Seit 12 Jahren verzeichnet RÉEL eine jährliche Wachstumsrate von 15%, ist auf 4 Kontinenten präsent und beschäftigt mehr als 1800 Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter.
Der ausgezeichnete Ruf von RÉEL gründet auf ihrer Fähigkeit, für die Bereiche Kernenergie, Aluminiumproduktion, Luftfahrt, Verteidigung und Industrie integrierte Lösungen zu konzipieren und Fördersysteme zu bauen, bei denen Sicherheit und Verfügbarkeit im Zentrum stehen.
High-Demand Business Calls for High-Demand ERP
RÉEL stands for high demands. Naturally, it was imperative that the company’s ERP system do the same. When the company began the search for a new ERP system, the project team was looking for a direct relationship with a software vendor that could deliver both software and services. The team also wanted to find a standard solution that would fit well out of the box, but also that could be easily configured and customized to achieve further business process alignment.
"We wanted first, to have a direct relationship with experts, and second, to find an ERP solution that would combine functional performance with system flexibility—both of which were critical to meeting the requirements of our industrial sites as part of an international rollout of the solution," said Christine Colombe, CFO for RÉEL.
This project began with a plan to deploy ProConcept ERP site by site. According to Dove, a combination of factors contributed to the project’s success, including the ProConcept’ implementation methodology, the commitment of the company’s internal team, and the level of control and flexibility they had with the product.
A Successful Global Deployment
RÉEL’s large-scale project aimed to integrate the group’s various entities on a common system in order to better monitor their progress as well and share their data with everyone in the business. The implementation was timed by legal entity and started at RÉEL SAS before continuing in the German subsidiary NKM Noell Special Cranes (NNSC). Following the implementation of the package among Canadians COH, the IMECA subsidiaries, NKM and NNX, were quick to join the ProConcept ERP club. Next came the Chinese subsidiary of NNSC, then the Middle East in 2013, and the UK in 2014. Today, most of the group works with a single management software system, and nearly 150 features have been implemented in the group to meet the needs of more than 20 trades.
Next Steps
The next key step of the implementation will be for the whole group to consolidate four existing databases into one common database to share, exchange, and consolidate data. The result? Better management of the entire business, such as the facilitation of labor services that are common to several entities. Another key step will be further developing end user training in order to ensure the solution is being fully leveraged within each subsidiary.
High-Demand Business Calls for High-Demand ERP
RÉEL stands for high demands. Naturally, it was imperative that the company’s ERP system do the same. When the company began the search for a new ERP system, the project team was looking for a direct relationship with a software vendor that could deliver both software and services. The team also wanted to find a standard solution that would fit well out of the box, but also that could be easily configured and customized to achieve further business process alignment.
"We wanted first, to have a direct relationship with experts, and second, to find an ERP solution that would combine functional performance with system flexibility—both of which were critical to meeting the requirements of our industrial sites as part of an international rollout of the solution," said Christine Colombe, CFO for RÉEL.
This project began with a plan to deploy ProConcept ERP site by site. According to Dove, a combination of factors contributed to the project’s success, including the ProConcept’ implementation methodology, the commitment of the company’s internal team, and the level of control and flexibility they had with the product.
A Successful Global Deployment
RÉEL’s large-scale project aimed to integrate the group’s various entities on a common system in order to better monitor their progress as well and share their data with everyone in the business. The implementation was timed by legal entity and started at RÉEL SAS before continuing in the German subsidiary NKM Noell Special Cranes (NNSC). Following the implementation of the package among Canadians COH, the IMECA subsidiaries, NKM and NNX, were quick to join the ProConcept ERP club. Next came the Chinese subsidiary of NNSC, then the Middle East in 2013, and the UK in 2014. Today, most of the group works with a single management software system, and nearly 150 features have been implemented in the group to meet the needs of more than 20 trades.
Next Steps
The next key step of the implementation will be for the whole group to consolidate four existing databases into one common database to share, exchange, and consolidate data. The result? Better management of the entire business, such as the facilitation of labor services that are common to several entities. Another key step will be further developing end user training in order to ensure the solution is being fully leveraged within each subsidiary.
Handling and Lifting Systems
RÉEL equipment helps airline companies optimize maintenance and assembly operations, enabling easy and safe access to any part of the aircraft.