ERP software for your financial and accounting management

Overview of your financial information 

ERP Gestion financière

Financial management is a key business activity, requiring rigour and precision. Therefore, ProConcept brings together all the activities required to establish a global and accurate financial picture of the company. Financial information is gathered, adjusted, and used by the financial, cost, budget and industrial accounting systems, as well as by the fixed asset management and treasury departments. 

All the accounting data, important company information, and validation rules are saved in the ERP. ProConcept accounting solution is designed to guarantee rapid, modular implementation, irrespective of the activity sector of the company. 

Several functions are available for internal or extra-accounting analyses, and a large number of reports and pivot tables. For example: accounting journals, balance sheets, financial analyses, etc.  

The benefits of ProConcept ERP for your financial management

Unique database for all the accounting data of the enterprise 

Integration of Swiss and international accounting standards 

Creation of financial reports using powerful analysis tools 

Simulations and projections of treasury flows, budgets, depreciation, etc. 

Fast, continuous, and multi-level budget control 

Cross-functional management of multi-currency and multi-fiscal activities 

Would you like to know more about ProConcept Finance, Payroll & HR ERP software ?

General and sub-ledger accounting 

Accounting, as a strategic management tool, gives you an overview of your financial information. ProConcept enables you to draw up the summary documents required at the end of the financial year. 

The ERP software keeps pace with market developments, offering you simple, effective monitoring, reduced data entry using accounting templates, and an integrated analysis tool. 

Sub-ledger accounting is integrated, making data directly available at all levels of the ERP system. Effective monitoring of customers and suppliers. 

Among other things, the solution covers the following domains: 

  • Accounts receivable / Accounts payable 
  • Payment methods (SEPA, ISO20022, QR-Code, etc.) 
  • Reconciliation / Matching 
  • Pre-entry 
  • Open account structure 
  • Revaluation, multi-currency 
  • Interest calculation 
  • Multi-structure analyses 
Comptabilité analytique

Cost accounting, a genuine management and piloting tool 

Over 20 different ways of entering charges are integrated into the cost accounting of your ERP software. This allows all your company-specific requirements to be taken into account. Data can be allocated to a project, sub-project, or product line. 

The different cost accounting modes by CCEN (cost centre), by CTYP (cost type), with distribution based on the keys and work units by file or by project, taking into account all the information from other modules of your ERP (logistics, production, human resources, etc.). Gives you simple but powerful comparison analysis information and tools you need to run your business effectively.  

More specific control, thanks to industrial accounting 

The industrial accounting module completes the range of management tools available to the customer and shows you the costs generated specifically during production. 

This tool is essential for the management controller, who can accurately monitor the evolution of costs for the outstanding and completed work: measure and identify the source and cause for variances in labour, machinery, material purchases and subcontracting in relation to the budgets allocated. 

All the activities of the company are keenly analysed so that the important cost centres can be identified and subject to relevant corrective measures. 

Industrial accounting offers different possibilities 

  • Calculate contributive margins (by product) 
  • Turnover (gross, net) 
  • Direct expenses (materials, labour, etc.) 
  • Indirect expenses (structure costs, etc.). 
  • Calculate unit costs 
  • Keep operating accounts by product
Comptabilité budgétaire

Control your income and expenditure with budget accounting 

From the general to the specific: from budget forecasts to accounts and from cost accounting to general ledger accounting, you have instant and total control over the budget, multi-level, multi-version, multi-period, and very good analytical ability. 

In addition to these possibilities, the tool also offers: 

  • Simple data entry 
  • Periodic allocations 
  • Comments on modifications 
  • Budget import from external files (example: Excel) 

Fixed assets, an important economic asset for your company 

ProConcept ERP solution for your financial management comprises fixed asset management, which includes data related to each fixed asset, such as the detailed depreciation sheet, the chosen depreciation method, and all the corresponding entries and movements in accounting. You benefit from an inventory of all your fixed assets (tangible and intangible). 

Fixed assets can be grouped together, allowing you, for example, to view the depreciation status of an entire room equipped with machines that were acquired and activated on different dates. 

Added to this is the freedom to work in total integration with ProConcept supplier, financial and analytical accounting systems: 

  • retrieve depreciation information in finance 
  • integrate financial documents into fixed assets 
  • automatically initialise many fields (accounts, numbering methods, etc.)  

Or simply simulate/project depreciation by fixed asset. 

Liquidity planning 

The cash flow and treasury functions in the financial management module enable you to simulate, visualise, and plan cash flows efficiently based on your criteria: open customer/supplier entries, including their payment morality, liquidity account status, bank credit limits, purchase/sales logistics portfolio (company commitments), payroll simulation, comparison of actual and planned amounts (budgets), analysis of cash flow trends, etc.  

Other advantages of cash flow management 

  • Highlight cash flow excess and insufficiencies 
  • Define several result presentation modes (personal presentation, for the Board of Directors, for shareholders, etc.). 
  • Snapshot of the state on a given date (photograph) for every query or simulation. This can be repeated and retained (several photographs in an album). 
  • Comparison of actual and planned cash flow amounts and display of variances. 
  • View movements that make up each amount displayed and trace them back to the accounting document. 

Multiple currency management  

ProConcept offers you an optimal solution to manage an unlimited number of currencies. Multi-currency management is cross-functional and transparent. 

Let us consider an example: your company is managed in one specific currency (for example: USD), though you may work with your partners with different currencies (YEN, CHF, etc.), and pay all, or some of your employees in EURO, and your official accounting documents may have yet another currency (based on the location of your company). 

Revaluation rates and methods: 

The log of rates is retained for each currency, and several rate types per currency are possible:  

  • Depending on their use (daily rates, VAT rates, invoicing rates, valuation rates, inventory rates, closing rates)  
  • Depending on the concerned domain (specific rates for logistics, stocks, finance, etc.).  

Revaluations or revaluation simulations can be carried out at any time, based on your company's methods or those imposed by your group. Furthermore, the solution allows you to revaluate each currency using several methods. 

These revaluation entries are automatically posted in the general ledger. 

Financial planning in ERP 

In terms of company strategy, a Finance ERP with good financial planning based on numbers and credible projections allow you to forecast medium to long-term consequences of the decisions taken or decisions to be taken. 

ProConcept ERP provides you with completely integrated tools you need for quality forecast planning, taking into account the current accounting reports, and the financial margin that the company has in terms of investment. 

You can simulate, plan, and automatically carry forward the results obtained to your budgets. 

Key features of ProConcept financial planning 

  • Create several planning scenarios (simulations). 
  • Plan based on budgeted and/or headcount amounts. 
  • Automatically create the budget based on financial planning (saves time when creating the budget). 
  • New feasible scenario, following changes to the budget. 
  • Perfect integration with Microsoft Office tools 

Retrieve budget planning figures in the budget 

Once your financial planning is in order, you can retrieve the figures from the first planning fiscal to create your budget, with a single click. 

  • You can retrieve the planning numbers as many times as you like.   
  • You can create several budget versions and delete the uninteresting ones. 
  • You can modify your budget versions and redo your scenario taking these changes into account.

ProConcept, a solution for Finance, Payroll, and HR

In this brochure dedicated to SMEs and large corporations, you will find all the detailed elements of ProConcept's ERP solution for Finance, Payroll, and HR, divided into different chapters: an ERP tailored to the needs of Finance and Human Resources, an overview of the solution & a breakdown of its features, the technology & methodology used, and the benefits of ProConcept's solution.

ProConcept helps you manage your business 

Find out more about our different domains of expertise: 

  • Industrial production planning 
  • Industrial production management (CPM) 
  • Logistics management (stocks & sales) 
  • Payroll management 
  • Human Resource management